Monday, March 12, 2012

Obadiah 1:11, Philippians 2:7/8; Go forth and proclaim Him

Obadiah 1:11
"In the day that you stood on the other side-In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, When foreigners entered his gates And cast lots for Jerusalem--Even you were as one of them."
Apathy, detachment, disinterest, disregard... no matter what you call it, it's not an option as a follower of Jesus. In the book of Obadiah, God proclaims judgment on Edom because they stood by and watched Israel be destroyed and taken into captivity. They saw their brother in need and did nothing. Contrast this to Jesus who was active in our redemption.
Philippians 2:7-8 "but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." NKJV
Jesus intentionally left His throne and the glory of heaven to walk among the pain and suffering of the world. He then purposefully gave up His life so that we could know forgiveness. He could have stayed in heaven, but because of His great love for us and in obedience to the Father, Jesus acted. As followers of Christ, may we be active in loving, caring for and sharing with others. Who knows what a small act of kindness or encouraging word could do to change a life. The world is waiting. Let's go!
Life Lesson: Apathy is not an option as a follower of Christ.
Dear God,
Thank You for Jesus and His love and obedience. Because of His active role in my redemption, I can know forgiveness and grace. In the same way that You were intentional in the salvation of man, may I be intentional in ministering to those around me. Fill me with Your Spirit and equip me to be a light in this dark world. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee
My Comments: Jesus let people know what they had to do to be redeemed, the Apostles carried His message throughout the known world and those who came and come afterwards carry it on even now. For the most part this is being done in other places in the world more than in America.
We Christians are thought of in other places in the world, by Christians, as in need of converting. We have become complacent and apathy runs rampant in our country. Christians in other countries see this. We need to change how we approach things and how we live our lives.
Lord Jesus You gave up everything for us. Help us to give our all as we work in Your vineyard and serve one another and as we go forth and proclaim Your Kingdom. Amen
Christs own child,

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