Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why are we here/our purpose.

Acts 10:29
"Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me?"

Peter asks a thought-provoking question in this passage. Why am I here? I think this is a great question to ask ourselves. We may say we are here to serve and love God and to serve and love others, but if we never take the time to really do these things... how important are they to us? I believe it is important to ask ourselves this question often and make decisions according to these priorities. I know I am guilty of getting caught up in things that don't really matter and disregarding the things that really do matter. I find myself 'majoring on the minors and minoring on the majors.' Jesus broke it down for us when He said, "love God and love others." It really can't be explained any simpler than that. We should remember that Jesus did something extraordinary. He loved us by giving His life away. In doing that, He has shown us how to love others.

Life Lesson: We should be asking ourselves the question, why am I here?
The answers should be:
1) love and serve God
2) love and serve others
3) show and tell others about Jesus

Dear Lord,
Help me to remember what is important. I get confused about my priorities sometimes. Please remind me through Bible teaching, Bible reading and the love and care of others, why I am here. Help me to take the time to remember these things. Because when all is said and done, only what I have done for you will last. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee (Cross the Bridge Ministries)

My Comment: Before this passage Cornelius, a gentile, had been praying and an angel of the Lord appeared to him commanding him to send for Peter. When Peter came he asks why he was sent for. Then Cornelius tells him of the Angels visit and asks Peter to tell all assembled what the Lord has commanded Peter to say. This is what we all who are born again are to share with others, the Gospel. To preach salvation to all through the fulfilling of the Word in Jesus Christ. When Peter did this the Holy Spirit fell upon those hearing and they being filled with the Spirit were Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
When we read the Bible especially the New Testament we are reminded often why we are here. To praise God and reach the unsaved with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are commanded to love and there is no greater love than to lay down our lives for our neighbor and often taking the Gospel to the world means just that.
Many Born Again Christians are dying in many parts of the world, places like North Korea, China, and Columbia. The willingly place themselves in these areas to bring souls that would be lost to the throne of Heaven. The one we do not tell the Good News to may never hear it and may die today and having never known Jesus be lost forever to death.Perfect love casts out all fear. If we love God and trust Him we do not fear sharing salvation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is our purpose in life, why we are called and what we are set to do.
Abba, we ask you to impress on our hearts, minds and souls your purpose for our lives and give us the ability to speak You Word with confidence and knowledge, give us understanding and wisdom so we may impart the Gospel of Your Son Jesus where You send or place us. We praise You Father for allowing us to hear and believe. We praise You for sending Your only begotten Son to die for our sin that we may live forever with You. We look forward to the day You will call us home or the Glorious Appearing of Jesus. Thank You Abba for loving us so much. May many know Your love through us. Amen

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