Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1 Timothy 6:12, Hold tight to faith in God

1 Timothy 6:12
"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."

"Fight the good fight" is a phrase used in many areas of our culture. You will often hear it in music and movies, referring to the fight to do what's right. This is a good understanding of what Paul is speaking of, and yet there is more to it. Paul is not simply asking Timothy to put up a fight for things that are good, he is calling Timothy and all believers to hold firmly to their faith no matter the cost. In short, he is telling believers to not just say you follow Jesus but to actually live it. Paul recognized the confession of those whom he was writing and yet he is challenging them to actually live out the calling that God has given them.

Today, the same challenge remains. We aren't called to give lip service to God but to actually serve Him. We aren't called to just confess our love for Him but to show it through sharing our faith, loving others and giving to the Lord. All these things are an outpouring of God's love in our heart. Today, no matter what you have planned, be ready to be used of God in a mighty way. When it comes, hold tight to the faith and fight the good fight so that all the world will see Jesus in you.

Life Lesson: Eternal life begins by choosing Christ and is a choice you make daily.

Dear Father,
I know that life is difficult and sometimes it can be hard for me to live out the faith that I confess. I ask that You would give me a boldness to share my faith and love others unconditionally. Help me to see opportunities to live out God's love today and every day. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee
My Comments: Many trials come in life which test our faith give us opportunities to fight the good fight of faith in our Heavenly Father who can do all things yet not as and when we determine the should be done. He is not a puppet on a string that we can pull a string and He will jump. Our faith says we trust Him to do things when He knows they should be done. We allow we do not know what is best for all concerned and we rely on Him to be with us through whatever is happening and we see things with His sight not ours.
I just finished a book by Grace Livingston Hill who wrote many many books in the early 1900's and many were of the first and second world wars and they usually were romance novels of that period and always presented the Gospel message. She was asked, by Evangeline Booth who was the daughter of the man who started the Salvation Army, to write a book about the Salvationists work during WW1. She did and the stories of the ladies and men who worked in the front lines with the soldiers were so amazing. The depravations they overcame because of their love of the Lord and total trust in Him was truely aweinspiring! I highly recommend reading "The War Romance of the Salvation Army" as this is what is meant by trusting in the Lord for everything and using whatever He gives completely for His glory.
Lord help us all to live our lives totally for you and trust in you that one day we will be with you in Heaven. In Jesus name, Amen

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