Thursday, January 19, 2012

Acts 7:9

This is one of my favorite Pastors posts which I use often for study. He is David McGee of Cross the Bridge Ministry and can be heard on CSN:

Acts 7:9
"And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him
Gen 50:20 (Joseph speaking to his brothers)
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

In the seventh chapter of Acts, we see Stephen reminding the Jewish leaders of their spiritual heritage. He recounts the life of Joseph. The most incredible and amazing thing about Joseph's story was that in many hard and difficult circumstances, God was with Joseph to bring him to just the right place at just the right time. God worked this way in the life of Joseph, Moses, and in the life of David. As a matter of fact, almost everyone in the Bible went through difficult times, and yet we see God use these trials to bless them and others. If God, Who has interacted with people for so long, can craft a plan for Joseph, He can certainly craft a plan for your life. Even as God was able to figure out how to give Abraham a son and land, place Joseph in prominence and power in Egypt, and turn Moses into the deliverer of Israel, God can and will lead you in your life. Trust Him through those hard times. Let me encourage you to learn about Him and follow Him. See the amazing things He will do to a life surrendered to Him and His will.

Life Lesson: God is leading us in our lives.

Dear Lord,
My life is Yours. Use me for Your good things; to glorify You and bless others. I've had trials and You have seen me through them. I know there will be more and I know that You will deliver me through them into better things. Thank You. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee

My Comments: When the hurtful things happened to me as a child and after being married, from parents, babysitters, husbands and even children I trusted God yet even though I knew they would be for my good and the glory of God, until I was "Born Again" there were still questions in me. I felt often unloved by those around me, separate from them. Yet ironically I still felt loved by my Father God.

It wasn't until I was saved that I understood with a deeper understanding what had been going on.
I knew God had used those things especially the rapes to help others. I taught and facilitated classes where those things that happened in my life helped others to open up and share the pain and humiliation and guilt so they could heal. And their stories gave me greater understanding and compassion.

For many years I worked in the Nurturing Program, Parenting Plus, The Puyallup Tribes Parenting Program (done in conjunction with Parenting Plus)  and various others parenting programs. I was often able to share my story to help children who had been down similar paths. I was able to use the abuse in my first marriage and from my Dad and Mom to help adults as well. Yet I still did not know it was to bring God glory that He had brought me through those pains. I used to say I was a survivor and one can only be a survivor if they do not truly know God. After my salvation I became a thriver.

I would not wish any of these things I have gone through on another yet I know He kept me and went through all of them with me, and it is for His glory that I continue to thrive and share my stories.

God has blessed me and others through these times. I surrendered my life to Him and have the greatest blessing, His love! May you be blessed as well.

Abba Father give peace and strength to those who need Your comfort and solace. Be with all as they go through the hardships of life so they will come out the other side strengthened and better able to help others and glorify You even in the midst of pain and sorrow, shame and humiliation. Your Son suffered worse than anything we can go through and because of Him we, too may be a part of Your family. Thank You and I pray You call all to know and accept Your saving grace. In Jesus name. Amen.

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