Monday, January 30, 2012

We are all miracles

Acts 8:5-6
"Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did."
The love of God is compelling. His love can overcome all differences between believers. It can drive us to brave and heroic deeds; to reach those who do not yet know God. We spend our lives building up walls through fear and insecurity. In the safety of God's love, He now asks us to tear those walls down; often with people who make us uncomfortable.
The Jews and the Samaritans did not get along; in fact they hated each other. The Lord led the early church at Jerusalem to minister and love on the Samaritans. They were willing to lay down their lives and reach out to others; God did incredible things in Samaria and beyond. What will the Lord do through us if we are willing to reach outside of our social groups? Stretch outside of your comfort zone and see what the Lord does on the outside and be amazed at what He does on the inside. The Bible says this...
Rom 8:38-39 "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." NKJV
Life Lesson: We should love one another including other people groups.
You alone see the fears inside me. I ask You to help me love others. Help me reach out to others who are just as scared as I am. Because You love me, I know I can love others. You tell us to do this so...Lord I need your help. Strengthen me to love others in the midst of a cold, dark and bitter world. May that light shine like a beacon of hope to all who see it and stand as a witness of Your love for the world. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee

My comments: I have been so blessed in my short 64 (now nearly 67)years of living to be the recipient and observer of miracles in my life and my loved ones lives.
When I was three I had polio and God healed me of it leaving me a leg a bit shorter to remind me that it truly happened.
When I was a couple of years older my Dad who was a fisherman, craber and for a short time ran a mail boat run, hit an iceberg and the boat was sinking. Jesus appeared to me and told me to tell my Mom to light the Holy candle. It was in the front room the room we closed off during the winter to conserve heat. Yet she believed me and went and lite it and prayed for my Dad and the safety of the other men on the mailboat. The mail was closed in waterproof bags and thrown overboard so that hopefully some of it would make it through as the men knew they would not unless a miracle happened.
At the same time she lite the Lampotic another boat came into view and rescued the my Dad, the men and the mail.
When I was 11 the Lord came to me again and told me to have my Mom lite the Lampotic as Dad  was in danger. His Dad had cancer and was dieing and Dad had been spending a great deal of time with him in the hospital and not sleeping. He had to haul cargo freight from CA to AZ and on the return trip he fell asleep at the wheel He went off the road down an 80 foot ravine. The onlookers said it looked so smooth when he went off. They looked down at the Semicab which looked more like a crumpled wad of paper and they did not think he was alive. Then as the Lampotic was lite and Mom prayed my Dad miraculously climbed out of the upper window and was half way up the side of the ravine before anyone went down to help him as they were all in shock. He only sustained a slight cut over the eye to remind him of the experience and God's mercy.
When my second child was two months old she was dieing. Her eyes had sunk into her head, she had dark black circles around her eyes. This happened in a matter of hours. The Dr said she had a deformed kidney and it had to of happened while she was inside of me. My folks got her and I a plane ticket from AK to WA. Before leaving my Aunt and Cousin asked if they could lay hands on her and pray for her. I said yes and by the time we arrived at the hospital my daughter was revived and did not have a deformed kidney. They said it had to have been pneumonia.
We all have miracles that show us God's love for us. The very breath we take, the different abilities we have, our minds, our heart beating, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the birth of a child, food, oxygen, the list goes on. Usually we do not see them for what they are. We look for the big ones and feel God does not hear us if we do not get what we ask for yet He loves us through the small as well as the big.
Through all of those times I loved God yet did not know the true meaning of accepting Jesus the Christ as my Savior. It was many years before God was to help me learn just what it meant. I thank Him for the miracles in my life and for persisting in chasing me and capturing me with His unending love. May you know His peace and experience His forgiveness and Love.
Abba Father thank you for the miracle of our lives and all the miracles you do for us even when we do not understand them. Thank You in Jesus name in union with Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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