Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Acts 26:20, Matthew 22:37-40, James 2:17/18, James 4:17; Are you a Christian?

"I preached first to those in Damascus, then in Jerusalem and throughout all Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that all must turn from their sins and turn to God--and prove they have changed by the good things they do."
We often describe our Christian walk by the things we don't do. We don't drink. We don't smoke pot. We don't cuss. In fact, for some of us, not doing these things is an incredible testimony of God's supernatural work in our lives. But we should also consider the things that we do.
In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus told us that we should love God and love others. Friend, you are not an accident; you were created with a divine purpose to be a blessing to others. You were created to hear the call, respond and be fruitful. In short, you were created to help God change the world. We know the things we shouldn't do because we would be ashamed of them. But why are we not ashamed of the things we don't do? Jesus called the man who did not use his talent wicked and lazy. If you fail to do something, you choose to fail at God's plan for your life.
James 2:17-18 "Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." NKJV

James 4:17 "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." NKJV

Take a moment and reflect. What are you doing?
Life Lesson: It is what we 'do' that shows we are followers of Jesus, as well as what we 'don't' do.
Dear Father,
I love You and want to serve You by serving others. Please give me eyes to see where and how I may be a blessing to others. Give me love for those around me. Please forgive me for times when I've done nothing. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.
Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee

My Comments: Too, often we hear people say, “It doesn’t matter what I do because I have accepted Jesus and I am saved.” Hogwash! If someone is saved their life shows it and they become a new creature in Christ Jesus. The old is gone and they do not want to live life as they lived it before. With some that change is quick and complete (not to say we are not without our sin nature because we are yet these people live and breath a new life in Christ Jesus), and others change over a time period (some faster than others). So if you are one who sees no change in your thinking or living then you need to look at where your heart was when you say you accepted Jesus as your savior.

Were you at the Cross confessing your sin and taking on His Salvation? Or were you just saying it hoping it was true? Go to God and seek Him and He will open up your heart and show you if you truly were His or just saying with your mouth and keeping separate from Him?

It is not by works we are saved yet our works show if we were saved. A called out one does not want to fornicate, steal, lie, treat people meanly, or anything else that does not show love. When the Love of God is born in us we want to show that love to those we live with, come in contact with and interact with. I know too many young people who are living in fornication and tell people they are Christians. To say one is a Christian is to say one is Christ Jesus’ Disciple and to be His one does not live with someone. That is a Christian in name only. I am not condemning anyone who commits any sin. Yet God has told us what sin is and we can, if we profess Christ Jesus, evaluate ourselves as to who we are truly following. We have two choices, Jesus or Satan. Choose today who you will follow and let your life reflect your God or your god.

Abba Father, You have been so gracious to us by sending Your Son to redeem us when nothing nor anyone else could. His blood has washed us clean. The only blood that could cleanse us from our sin was the blood of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the Cross has bought our freedom. By the blood the precious blood of the Lamb we have been redeemed. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus.

I pray all who read this will reflect and redirect their whole lives to You through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; The Holy Trinity and accept the sacrifice of Jesus and allow Him to be one with them. May the scales fall from their eyes, their ears be unstopped and their hearts of stone be melted and open to their Lord and King, Jesus. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit to teach, guide and build knowledge, understanding and wisdom in them. May they be disciple who make disciples in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

If you are not saved and would like to ask Jesus to be your Savior just confess your sin, and accept His sacrifice on the Cross for you. Ask Him to come into you and make you His. And trust Him to do a good work in you and you will do good works in His name. Believe the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ and believe all He came to teach us. Love God completely and love others as yourselves as all the commandments are contained in these. If you have asked Jesus to be your Savior then welcome to the body of Christ Jesus and find a strong Bible based Church in your area or go to solid teaching through the Bible sites like Cross the Bridge Ministries and Calvary Chapel churches that have services on the Web like Calvary Chapel of Olympia or Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. There are many good sites just be sure they are teaching from the Word of God and not "other books." Get yourself a good Bible like the New King James Version, or the English Standard Version or others like the American Standard Version. Doing these will help you grow in the knowledge and Word of the Lord and grow your roots deep within Him.

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