Saturday, May 26, 2012

The just live by faith; Habakkuk 2:4'

Habakkuk 2:4
"Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith."

Faith... That one word is very pregnant with meaning, but at its root, "faith" is trusting in God. To have faith is to trust that God is going to do what He says He will do. This is the essence of the Christian walk, and it is part of our salvation and our continued journey with the Lord. The hardest part about faith often comes in the waiting. God has promised us many things including His return, yet our waiting for that to happen can be difficult. This is why it's important to trust what God says over what we see around us.

When we look at the world around us, we see corrupt governments, sinful behaviors and the devil wreaking havoc in people's lives. This causes us to cry out, "Lord Jesus, come," but as we pray this, we also need to walk in faith. We need to trust that God's plan is better than ours. He may be allowing the suffering to continue for a little longer so that others may come to salvation through Jesus. The good news is that one day He will return and when He does, all things will be made right and our world will never be the same. This is not a fairy tale, this is reality. Yes, we believe it by faith, but our faith is in the One God who has proven Himself faithful time and time again.

Life Lesson: When Christ returns, the world will be remade, our flesh will be made new and the devil will be destroyed.

Dear God,
Thank You for the promises in Scripture. Give me the faith to trust in those promises regardless of what I am feeling or what I see in the world around me. I believe with my whole heart that You are God, that Jesus is my Savior and that He will one day return. Give me the power to share this message of hope with all those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee

My Comments: It is very easy to get caught up in concern about how the world is going and especially how the government is working (or not) in our own country. Yet we are called to trust Him at all times and in all things He will take care of us. Simple yet at times when we listen to ourselves talk we wonder do we really trust Him to take care of things or do we feel He needs our meddling? He tells us to make disciples not change governments. He tells us to pray without ceasing not to get people to sign petitions. Not to say we should not do these things yet they should not be our major concern or thoughts.

Satan loves to get us off on rabbit trails. He likes to stir us up and make us nervous and have lack of faith and trust in the Lord. He is the one who said to Eve, “Did God really say ?”  Friends he is very good at getting us turned around and looking at other things just as if we were 2 years old. You’ve seen them when they are busy doing something and a bright shinny object goes by they follow it well we are like that and we are supposed to keep our eyes focused on God and our energies should be used to bring Him glory and to show the world our faith in Him who created the world.

Yes, we help out our brothers and sisters in the body who are suffering in other parts of the world like China and Africa by sending aid or going if the Lord puts that on our hearts and we sign petitions to stop marriages between any one other than one man and one women and we try to save unborn children or after birth children and even old and not so hale and hearty yet it is with our eyes on the Creator not the created!

We are not to live in fear or frustration because things are going the wrong way. We are called as His to rejoice because He has all in control and we are called to trust Him at all times  unceasingly.

Abba help us to trust You and keep our faith strong in You and help us to know that no matter what is happening around us and in our lives that You Father have everything in control. Lay on our hearts the prayers You want us to be sending as a sweet sweet perfume up to You. Remove the scales from our eyes and let us not listen to the deceiver. May we shore up Your words in our hearts that when times are hard and seem bleak that Your words will bubble up and strengthen our faith and build our trust in You. Thank You Abba that You have everything in control and help us to believe that with our whole hearts and minds. We praise You Lord for all You are doing seen and unseen as we know whatever it is it is the right thing that needs to be done in our lives, families, countries and the world. Amen


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