Saturday, March 31, 2012

Acts 21:30, Matthew 25:21, bloom where He plants you.

Acts 21:30
"And all the city was disturbed; and the people ran together, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the temple; and immediately the doors were shut."
Although the door never really opened to the Jewish people, Paul continuously ministered to them. There was, however, an open door for Paul to minister to the Gentiles. Sometimes in ministry, you may want to do one thing but God wants you to do something else. Maybe you have a heart for a particular country, region or a specific people group, but God wants you to 'bloom right where you are planted'. Perhaps God has given you a heart to pray for missions in an area but hasn't asked you to do it yourself. Paul supported the church at Jerusalem, but he was never really part of the church there. Look for open doors where you are. If there is an opportunity to join a ministry team in church, go for it! Maybe your heart is in Children's Ministry or Youth Ministry, but the open door is in another area of ministry.
"His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'" Matt 25:21 NKJV
Friend, go for the open door. Perhaps later, God will open the other door. It's quite possible you are being tested whether you will be faithful in the small things.
Life Lesson: Bloom wherever God plants you.
Dear Father,
Thank You for giving me gifts that I can use to serve You and others. Please forgive me for times when I have not used them to serve. I ask You to show me the open door, even if it is not what I want, and give me the faith to go through it. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.
Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee
My Comment: Tonight at Life Group I mentioned I want to stand before my Lord when I meet Him (in the rapture or when my time is finished here) and I want Him to say, "Well done good and faithful servant." I do not want to have Him have to say I did not reach out to those He wants me to reach out to. I want to bloom where He plants me. I want to trust Him enough to speak out when He tells me or prompts me to even if others do not want me to.
When I was younger and did not understand what God wanted of us I thought Paul was down on women and that he was conceited or puffed up. I did not understand. Once Jesus got his attention he was totally and completely on fire to do the will of God no matter the cost to himself.
When God directs and we follow His lead things will go the way they should. Always remember that and you will not go wrong. Strengthen your walk with Him by being in His Word and talking with Him continually (prayer). Praise Him and give all the glory to Him. Be faithful to Him and He will be faithful to you. He loves each of us more than we can ever imagine and wants all to come to Him. We are His and my passion is to be used of Him to bring more to the knowledge and fellowship that He offers through Jesus His Son.
Abba, Father grant that we will have the scales removed from our eyes, our ears opened to hear your Words, our hearts softened and opened to accept You and be one with You and allow us to be used of You to bring many to Your salvation and grace. Thank You Father for all You are doing in our lives and for the privilege of serving You and loving You and our neighbors. Increase our Love and may we love with Your abundant Love. Amen

1 comment:

  1. There is an update on this one. Since my husband has gone home to see the Lord I have moved and where I am now I am taking a class at church called The Way of the Master by Ray Comfort. It is a Evangelism Class where I hope to be more bold in presenting the need to others for salvation. It shows us how to show people why their sin separates from our loving God and what they can do to remove the separation. But they have to know they are sinners in need of salvation or they will not repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and they will be lost. My heart is for them as Jesus' heart is for them. I have prayed He give me His heart for the lost and help me to reach out to them so one day they too will go Home.
